Preservation Leaflets

Do you steward African American historic structure, cemetery, or artifacts? Our technical leaflets are designed to offer practical guidance and actionable steps as practitioners seek to meet a diversity of African American heritage centered goals. They are written by expert building, cemetery, and artifact preservationists from across the state and country.
What is an artifact? What are the best practices in caring for them? This leaflet is intended to provide guidance preserving and maintaining artifacts of all kinds. This includes artifact handling, maintaining environmental conditions, storage methods, and more.
- Markecia Koulesser, Collections Manager, Gaston County Museum of Art and History
Every facet of the Black experience in America has produced evidence and artifacts that deserve to be documented, preserved, and interpreted for the uplift and edification of descendant and mainstream communities alike. This leaflet details guiding principles for preservation, programs that exist to support preservation, barriers to preservation, and more!
- Melissa Jest, Preservation Practitioner