
Green Book Category
Years Listed
Piedmont North

Did you know?

  • Even though this entry was listed in the Green Book under the “Tailors” category, Durham city directories list Elite Sport Shop as a location selling beverages at 1503 Morehead Avenue in 1948 and 1949.1


1 Victor H. Green, The Negro Motorist Green Book: A Classified Motorist & Tourist Guide Covering the United States & Alaska (New York: Victor H. Green & Company, 1948), p. 62; Green, The Negro Motorist Green Book: An International Travel Guide (New York: Victor Green & Company, 1949), p. 56; Hill’s 1948 Durham (Durham County, N.C.) City Directory (Richmond: Hill Directory Co., Inc., 1948), p. 166 (alphabetical listing), 62 (street guide); Hill’s 1949 Durham (Durham County, N.C.) City Directory, (Richmond: Hill Directory Co., Inc., 1949), p. 156 (alphabetical listing), p. 75 (street guide).